What happens if your hydraulic pump is too big?

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What happens if your hydraulic pump is too big?

Oversized pumps generate excess system flow and with throttling cause higher backpressures, this will in turn prematurely wear out bearings and seals. Operating too far to the left of a pump’s BEP will exert greater loads on radial and thrust bearings and lead to reduced service life.

What happens if double acting 12v hydraulic pump is too big?

double acting 12V hydraulic pump is too big for the system it’s intended for, several issues may arise. Excessive pump size can lead to:

Overworking the System: The hydraulic system may struggle to handle the high flow rates or pressure levels generated by the oversized pump, potentially causing overheating or premature wear on components.

Inefficient Operation: A larger pump may consume more electrical power than necessary, leading to inefficiencies and increased operating costs.

Pressure Spikes: The system may experience pressure spikes or instability due to the pump delivering more hydraulic fluid than the actuators or valves can handle.

Potential Damage: Components such as valves, hoses, and seals may be subjected to higher stresses or pressures than they are designed for, leading to leaks or failures.

Choosing the right size pump ensures optimal performance, efficiency, and longevity of the hydraulic system while preventing potential damage and safety hazards.

double acting 12V hydraulic pump 
What happens if your hydraulic pump is too big?

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